Search Engine Optimization Experiment - Live Demo: SEO Live Demo : Day -1; Part 1

Thursday, December 30, 2010

SEO Live Demo : Day -1; Part 1

 All right then, here are details of the tasks for day 1 for our experiment.

Of Search Engine Optimization and Making a 'brand new blog' :

I repeat the word 'brand new' for a simple reason because this experiment will require a brand new blog. You might already have one or more blogs, but for sake of this experiment, you will have to make a new one. This way, all of us can start things fresh, and keep a track on our daily progress.

Now the question arises, what kind of blog should one make? The answer is that, as we are here to attain certain goals, therefore, we need to plan everything right from selecting the blog name to optimising it for visitors, and earnings. So, for this purpose, we need to make a 'niche blog'. What 'niche' means is that, our blog will foucs on a particular subject, and we will optimisze the blog, with respect to the subject of the blog.

For example, sports is a subject, but tennis is a niche; Roger Federer, a legendary tennis player, is again a ninche (a better niche I would say). So, if we make a blog on sports, it will have to compete with all the other sports blogs and websites. But when we select tennis as a ninche, our competition reduces to tennis related websites, and when we make a blog or site on Roger Federer, the player, our competition further reduces to blogs and sites mainly related to Roger Federer.

Now the question arises, whom are we comepeting with ? the answer is that we are competing for attaining higher rankings in search engine like gogle. What it means is that when we make a blog on Reger Federer, and try to optimize it by adding more and more information in it about Roger Federer, search engines like google will slowly recognize our blog's worth (for our niche - Roger Federer in this case), and will give us good standing in its search results. Here is how google works :

If I am a roger Federer fan, and I am looking for some information about him. I will go to a search engine like google and write something like "latest news about roger federer". So what google will do is list all sites that have my search query (in this case "latest news about roger federer" is called seach query or keywords)  in its result. Now, if we make a blog on Federer, and have optimized it properly, there are good chances that google will show  our website or blog on its front page (in top 10 or so) in its result. In this way, we get a chance to get a targeted visitor to our blog.

This is the basic aim of Search Engine Optimization,i.e., optimizing or enabling a blog or website, in such a way that it stands in good  position in search engines like google.
How to attain that position is what we are trying to learn from this experiment ;)

Part 2 with further details about selecting a domain name (with niche) follows shortly. Feel free to discuss this post, or ask any questions.

Cheers !

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